Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Everything I touch turns ridiculous and vile!

Hedda is so selfish. She pretty much helped a man commit suicide and all she can think about is herself. Its sorta sick that she in controlling another human being felt that the thing that was absolutely necessary and emminent was death. She purposely created stressful and tragic situations for Lovborg so that he would feel helpless such as losing his most prised posession(she could've given him the manuscript at the exact moment she saw him despite the accusations), the woman he loved,and essentially his future. It's one thing to create the conditions but it's another to start the fire.Ohh, maybe that's what the stove and fire are symbolic of- action. She when setting Lovborg up with the gun goes to the fireplace and burns the manuscript-adding to the fire of his dispair,setting his actions into motion. Then when she hears about Lovborg's death she is sitting by the stove.She comments on how impressed she is at such a wonderful act which suggests that she is impressed and that this information feuled her fire and that she feels more willing to ACT now.<---- I feel so smart.
I think suicide was something that Hedda had/was contemplating long before Lovborg and Thea ever walked through her door. It is obvious she felt no control over her life and felt trapped in this loveless marriage and this dangerous love Triangle.
I think that the guns not only symbolize her power but her preoccupation with death. She is constantly "playing" with these guns. Maybe she was planning her suicide the whole time.


ShowTyme92 said...

I do agree that Hedda was a never sick an twisted individual. But I also think tht its insane to allow sum1 to control u in tht manner. 2 give sum1 tha power to determine if u will live or not. I understand tht luv is a strong enotion but GOSH!!!! Lovborg was his name for a reason...


kosekesh said...

i agree with Shoji, that's good. idk. i like the idea bout the acting and fire, that was really good j-mag (yeah, i just spelled that phonetically, use a long a sound, u'll get it). i think that the idea of control was so important to her that she needed to feel in control no matter what that meant, including taking another person's life in a round about way.

J'mag said...

I don't think Lovborg's death due to Hedda's influence had anything to do with Love. In Lovorg's case I think Hedda represent's society and the pressures that it puts on individuality and progressive change. Yes Lovborg died because he was searching for his manuscript (child/childhood/innerself) but it was the gun(society's power) taht killed him.

H-Dub said...

hmmm, i don't think she had been planning the suicide all along but i do think she might have thought about it once or twice. i can see where youre going with the whole stove/fire motif and i like it.